Where can you find cockroaches?


•Roaches need water more frequently than food. So water in dark places attracts them.
•Check house plumbing first and water traps, this is especially important in arid climates. If the water trap is empty, then roaches can get in through the plumbing.
•Check the pipes in house force leaks, or even for condensation. Roaches can’t come in through leaky pipes. However, they smell water from large distances. They can hike an incredible distance for water.
•Check the dark spaces in house for water. Roaches love darkness. If a pipe is leaking behind the walls, then roaches will breed there.
•Roaches don’t come out of ‘nowhere’. However, they hike really well. Even it can swim and cross small expanses of water. Roaches will track huge distances to get water.

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