


  • Termites do not cause harm to humans in the direct way that pests like rodents, mosquitoes, and bees can. However, the damage that termites cause to properties can harm your properties and potentially make structures unsafe for occupancy
  • Termite attraction: Termites are drawn inside by moisture, wood in contact with house foundations, and cracks in building exteriors.


Types of Termites based on the habitat

 Subterranean Termites

This species lives in the soil and builds the largest nests. These nests are connected via mud tubes to food sources, such as trees, fence posts and structural timbers in houses.

Drywood Termites 

Typically live in wood, such as dead trees, structural timbers or hardwood floors. Drywood termites do not contact with soil. Drywood termite colonies tend to be smaller

Dampwood Termites

Live in wood with high moisture content. Dampwood termites are rarely found in homes or other man-made structures, since wood in these structures typically does not have enough moisture.

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