
Termites – Aggregation Pheromones

Termites secrete a wide variety of different pheromones. The pheromones are secreted from glands located on their chests. Different pheromones communicate a wide variety of information to other caste members. workers release an aggregation pheromone at their nesting site, and that this pheromone induces rapid and long-lasting aggregation of workers. The pheromone is a mixture […]
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Fungus gnats

Fungus gnats are small black flies features dangling legs and long bodies that make them appear similar to a small mosquito, Flies infest soil, potting mix, other container media, and other sources of organic decomposition. Their larvae primarily feed on fungi and organic matter in soil, but also chew roots and can be a problem […]
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Indian Ornamental Spider

Poecilotheria regalis

Indian ornamental tree spider, is one of the most popular arboreal tarantulas for amateur collectors. P.regalis parallels that of many arboreal spiders. In the wild individuals live in holes in tall trees where they make asymmetric funnel webs. Their primary prey consists of various flying insects, which they seize in flight and paralyze. The venom […]
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Crickets are pests for a variety of reasons. They sometimes find their way into homes, becoming a nuisance between their loud chirping and tendency to attack clothing and other fabrics throughout the house. Male crickets produce musical chirping sounds by rubbing a scraper located on one forewing along a row of about 50 to 250 […]
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The Rattus

Interesting Facts About Rattus 1.More than 51 species of rats that have been discovered 2.A rat can fall as far as 50 feet without being injured. Rats can jump 2 feet in the air from standing position 3.The tooth enamel of rats is said to be stronger than steel. 4.Rats have been known to restart […]
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Flying ants


Flying ants are alates, mostly the matured Queens and males of ant, An ant colony can only expand so much. At some points a new queen will need to strive out on her own to begin a new colony, growing wings and flying enables to do this. They are most commonly found nesting in wet, […]
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Aedes aegypti

Aedes aegypti is known to transmit dengue virus, yellow fever virus, chikungunya virus, and Zika virus. Aedes is dark coloured and has typical white markings on the legs and lyre like markings on the thorax. It is significantly smaller in size, being only 4 to 7 mm long. In this species, the female mosquitoes are […]
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Drywood termites


Drywood termites can often escape detection, as they live deep inside wooden structures. Compared to other species, their colonies are very small and often spread out within the house. Drywood termites will colonize in attics where temperatures may exceed 131 degrees Fahrenheit. There, they will locate their colonies in wood that has more favorable temperatures, […]
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Furniture beetle

Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum)

The common furniture woodworm beetle is a wood boring beetle measuring 2.7-4.5 mm in length and has a brown ellipsodial body with a pronotum. Furniture beetles are attracted to wood. They can be brought into the home through infested furniture or timber, or they may naturally seek out damp or moist wood on their own. […]
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Paper wasps are semi-social insects, they will sting to protect their colony, releasing toxins that can be harmful. Wasps can sting repeatedly causing pain, swelling and whole-body effects that can trigger allergic reactions. They do not store food and they eat insects and spiders. Forager wasps bring morsels of food back to the nest from […]
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